
Cause we are serving

Financial Support

Donate to reputable charities and non-profit organizations dedicated to alleviating poverty. Your financial contribution can be used for providing basic needs, education, healthcare, and more.

Food Assistance

Support food drives, supplying vital nutrition to those in need. Your participation aids communities facing hunger. Together, let’s make a difference by ensuring everyone has access to essential sustenance.

Clothing and Essentials

Give gently used/new clothing, blankets, and essentials to shelters aiding the homeless. Your donation provides comfort and support to those in need.

Educational Support

Contribute to educational programs that focus on providing opportunities for underprivileged children. This can include scholarships, school supplies, and after-school programs.

Providing supporting essentials.

Healthcare Initiatives

Support health clinics, free medical camps, or organizations that provide healthcare services to the economically disadvantaged.

Free medical support.

Skill Development Programs

Support initiatives that offer skill development and vocational training, empowering individuals to enhance their employability. Advance level of tanning & support to build career in diff fields.

Raise Awareness

Use your voice to raise awareness about poverty-related issues. Social media, community events, and educational programs can be effective platforms for spreading awareness.

Providing supporting essentials.

Emergency Relief

Contribute to emergency relief efforts during natural disasters or crises, helping those who are most vulnerable in such situations. Distribution of food, & help for unwanted situation occurs.


Employment Opportunities

Work with local businesses or organizations to create job opportunities for those facing unemployment or economic hardships. Specially for young who are still awaiting for income.

They Need Your Help

In many rural communities, there are urgent needs for basic necessities, education, and healthcare. Your involvement can directly contribute to fulfilling these critical requirements.

The economically disadvantaged often face barriers to healthcare services. Your support can make a difference by enabling us to organize health clinics, free medical camps, and more.

Join With Us

Are you passionate about creating positive change in rural communities? Join Maharshi Vashisth Social Welfare Foundation, a non-profit charity organization committed to fostering impactful transformations.